Media Language and Representation: Example Question (The Big Issue)

Intertextuality refers to the relationship between various texts. 

Create a new blog post and call it The Big Issue Essay Question

You need to try and answer the practice question as best you can at this stage so I can assess how much you are taking on board and your essay writing skills. Try and come up with an effective structure and analyse The Big Issue cover in as much detail as you can. You may research the political figures to aid in your analysis.

Practice Question:

Analyse why The Big Issue magazine has used an intertextual approach to the referendum on its front cover.

How does intertextuality create meaning in this source?
  • Use of Abba reference (Swedish pop group)
  • Use of Personality (Nicola Sturgeon, David Cameron, Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage.)
  • Use of images
  • Use of text

Make judgements and reach a conclusion about the advantages of this use of intertextuality to The Big Issue magazine.