Media Language and Representation: Lucozade & Shelter

The following is an advertising campaign by Lucozade.

Task 1: Analyse the above poster. (Create a new blog post: Analysing Lucozade's Advertisement)

Think about how they have represented their product in the poster.

  • How have they used font and layout to engage an audience?
  • How does the angle of the camera shot engage an audience.
  • How does "In a different league" contribute to meaning?
  • The direction given by the photographer to Gareth Bale in the image.
  • How have they used of lighting?
  • Why have they chosen blue for a background?
  • How has the above factors contributed to representing their product?

Below is the charity campaign produced by Shelter, a homeless charity.

Task 2: Analyse Shelter's Poster (Create a new blog post: Analysing Shelter's Advertisements)

Think about how they have represented their agenda in their advertising campaign.
  • How have they used their actors in their images?
  • How have they directed their facial expression?
  • How have they been lit?
  • How has Shelter used layout to convey their message?
  • How has the use of font contributed to the message?
  • How has the audience been communicated with? What do the messages mean?

Task 3 - Create a new bog post. Advertisements: Lucozade and Shelter.

Compare and contrast the adverts above to one another, noticing the similarities and differences between how they have communicated their message.