Preliminary Production: Creating your Logo

Creating your logo

Now you have your brand name and logo design finalised, you will have time in this lesson to produce it on Photoshop so it can be applied to your posters once complete.

The following is a rough guide to get you started.

Step 1: Open Photoshop
Step 2: File>New
Step 3: Create a title such as "BrandName_Logo_v1"

Ensure that you select a size that will be sufficient to place on your poster, A4 for example and then you will be able to transform(CTRL +T) it down afterwards but anything bigger than 10cm by 10cm should be sufficient.
VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure the background is transparent so you do not have to cut it out at a later stage (If you prefer to see it clearer LAYER>NEW FILL LAYER which can be deleted later).

Using photoshop is like making a lasagne, the more layers the better. These can be organised on the righthand-side in the Layer's Tab. The top layer being the most visible layer.

Use the tools on the left hand side to manipulate your images; the best way to understand what each of these tools can do is the practice with them.

To insert an image; FILE>OPEN>Select Image
Once opened you can drag it onto your logo and then begin to manipulate it, ensure the image is large or it will pixelate. If your logo is complicated, this may be the best way forward rather than free-drawing it.

For more information; this link has some handy tips and advice.