Preliminary Project: Evaluation

When you are finished editing your film; upload the video to your blog and begin writing an in-depth evaluation about the project as a whole. Think about the problems that you may face when it comes to your assessed project.

You should think about your evaluation in terms of these headings.
  1. What went well in regards to filming this sequence.
  2. What areas will need to be improved upon and how you are going to make these improvements.
  3. How succesfull was this sequence in communicating meaning?
The following areas of Media Language should be used in your analysis: Camera Shot / Angle, Location, Editing, Sound, Mise en scene, Lighting.

Break down your evaluation into these various sequences:
- Wear brown shoes after six
- Wear a hat indoors
- Wear a short skirt after 40
- Wear a short skirt if you're a man
- Try too hard
- Don't try at all.
- Dress like a girl
- Dress like a man
- Dress like a teen
- Stand out / Blend in
- Mix prints
- Wear pink and red