Media Language and Representation: Comparing Adverts

Comparing Texts

Using one of the adverts (of your choice) you found for homework begin a new blog-post titled: Advertising: A Comparison
You are going to compare this to one of the THREE adverts the exam boards have asked you to analyse: Old Spice, Lucozade and Shelter.
Make your selection based on an comparative idea such as: gender, ideology, representation, media language, reality, post-modernism, feminism, consumerism, celebrity culture, multiculturalism, changing attitudes to sexualities, postmodernism


Use a What? How? Why? paragraph structure.
- What? (State a clear comparative point that focuses on one aspect of the posters)
- How? (Use evidence from both texts to support your points.)
- Why? (Explore reasons that both media producers may have made the choices you used for your evidence. Analyse it and Evaluate it.