Media Language and Representation: Revision

Mock Exam Revision

This week we are going to spend our last two lessons before your Mock, revising Media Language and Representation.
  • Music Video (Unfinished Sympathy + Burn the Witch)
  • Magazines (The Big Issue)
  • Advertising (Lucozade, Shelter and Old Spice)

Don’t forget to revise News as well!

Music Video
You can assume the question will be about how one of the band/artists we have studied represent something: this could be…
  • How the band/artist represent themselves.
  • How the band/artist represent an social/cultural issue.
  • How the band/artist represent an idea.
  • How the band seek to promote themselves.
All of these points will want you to refer to the music videos by using key Media Language terminology and analysing how this presents the band’s agenda.

Burn the Witch - Radiohead

Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy

This question you can assume will refer to how the advert is communicating with consumers in some way but it will link with representation.
  • How the producers are representing their brand.
  • How the producers are representing an social/cultural idea to promote their product.
  • How the producers are positioning their audience
  • How the producers use Media Language to create meaning.
DO NOT FORGET: You will be asked to compare adverts (either two we have studied or one we have studied to an unseen advert) Use the following structure to help you produce comparative answers.

AND: Some questions will relate to unseen sources on advertising and marketing, and/or magazines.

What? How? CONNECTIVE(Whereas, similarly) How? Why?

TASK: Using your notes you have collated over the past year, turn all of your research into an essay plan using the grid below to structure your points.

*Add as much detail as you can to ensure you cover all bases incase the question is more specific than how the band seeks to represent themselves.
What is the producer communicating?
How is the producer using Media Language to communicate this?
Why might the producer have communicated this?
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
Point 4