Making Media: Statement of Intent Planning

Writing your Statement of Intent

By the end of this week you will have written your first draft of your statement of intent for your NEA brief. There will be time to reword this over half-term and polish it up in the first week back as you can see from the schedule.

Today's lesson will be for idea generation purposes.

Your Target Audience: A culturally sophisticated 16-25 AB demographic.

AB Demographic:
A - Upper Class - Higher managerial, administrative or professional. (4% of population)
B - Middle Class - Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional. (23% of population)

TASK: Find three artists (ideally dance music) that you believe would appeal to this target audience and write a brief explanation as to why.

TASK 2: Underneath, write down a list of ideas/topics or conventions that a 'culturally sophisticated' audience might enjoy using some examples from the videos you have found. You might want to think about representation here.

TASK 3: Come up with a band/artist name that is appropriate to the genre.

TASK 4: Design a logo for your band/artist using A3 paper; come up with as many ideas as you can and then take a photo and post to your blog explaining your choice of final logo.