Making Media: Textual Analysis of a Dance Music Video

A Textual Analysis of Dance Music Videos

In this lesson we will be looking exclusively at the conventions of Dance Music and Dance Music Videos. Below are two Dance Music videos from two dance music artists.

TASK: Watch both music videos and complete a textual analysis grid focusing on: camera, editing, sound and mise en scene. Once you have this grid I would like you to write a comparative analysis of both. Below are some key questions to focus your analysis on.

How does Dance Music appear to represent its fanbase in its videos?
What key ideas/ideologies are present within both? Symbolism?
What tone is created in both music videos and how?
What Media Language has been deployed to create meaning in both videos?

EXTENSION: Find another music video by another Dance Music artist and compare this to these two. Are there similarities between the two of them? Differences?

For this part of your comparative analysis I want you to consider the following elements:
- Who do you think is the target audience? How do you know this?
- How does the video correlate to the music? Is there a literal connection?
- What is similar between all three in terms of structure?
- Are there any representations/misrepresentations present? Gender? Youth? Sexuality?
- What ideas or themes do the music videos appear to promote?
- What locations or settings are similar/different?
- What elements of mise en scene are common in all three?
- Are there any camera shots/angles that feature in all three?