Evaluating to Improve
This week (25th of June) is your website deadline.
I asked you to complete a draft of your website for today (you may use hold images for now...).
What you are going to do today is evaluate what you have produced so far. This is to ensure that you are constantly reviewing and thinking about the choices you are making with the NEA brief in mind.
Take a screenshot of your two webpages you are thinking about submitting into a new blog post called: Website: First Draft Evaluation.
TASK: Answer the following questions in as much detail as you can underneath your webpages.
1. Using the brief below, explain how you have met its requirements for the Website.
2. Explain how your webpage seeks to represent your band/artist.
3. Explain how your webpage seeks to appeal to the target audience?
4. Think about each element of your webpage (title, colours etc.), what elements of it need to improve? How will you achieve this?
5. If you have taken original images, are you happy with them? Do you need to retake them? What would you do differently?