The Jungle Book (2016): Maintaining Audiences

Maintaining Audiences

‘Considering the highly developed corporate synergy in which every Disney product is both a commodity and an ad for every other Disney commodity, it is scarcely an exaggeration to say that each story the company tells, each theme the company deploys builds the Disney brand. In Disney’s case, the medium is also the advertisement. Disney products are themselves advertisements for Disney and for its ideological and cultural themes.

TASK: Read the following article and add key details to your notes: 
This article is very good on the marketing of JB16: (including how a Spanish-speaking audience was targeted). This is also useful:

TASK: Read the following article and add key details to your notes:  This article explains how each stage of the marketing attracted a different market sector: 
‘Stepping back to look at it, Disney has developed a marketing strategy not dissimilar to a political campaign... Disney has pulled off some big, complex marketing in the past, but nothing quite as perfect and impressive as what they accomplished with The Jungle Book.’

Part of the huge box office success was marketing to appeal to a wide range of age groups, such as targeting action adventure fans, not just Disney’s traditional family audiences: ‘according to surveys, 49 per cent of the sales were attributed to movie-goers who were over 25 years of age and 51 per cent of the sales were attributed to audiences in the under-25 age group. And audiences in the age group of 18 to 24 led to 33 per cent of ticket sales.’ 

TASK: Read the following article and add key details to your notes: 

‘Jungle Book has also wildly overperformed after being embraced by critics and audiences alike, earning nearly $600 million to date in another defining moment for [Sean] Bailey and his colleagues... The movie is playing to not just the coveted Disney female audience, but to all demos. Males have flocked to the film, attracted by the cutting edge technology used for its visual effects...’ 

TASK: Read the following article and add key details to your notes:

‘Looking at The Jungle Book CinemaScore breakdown: 97% of the audience gave the film an A or a B. The total positive response from PostTrak was also a very high 92%. It is 95% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. It’s also a very high ‘definite recommend.’ The film got A’s from both the under and over 25 crowd and A+ among those under 18 years of age and also for the over-50 audience.’ 

TASK: Read the following article and add key details to your notes: